Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


16.05.2016 09:06
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Next conference of “History club” dedicated to the Shah Tahmasib Safavid

Next conference of “History club” dedicated to the Shah Tahmasib Safavid

On May 13, next conference of “History club” attached to the Azerbaijan University of Languages Council of Young Students and supported by ANAS Institute of History has dedicated to the Shah Tahmasib Safavid.

At the event was told about statehood history, historical personalities, emperies existed in Azerbaijan history.

Pro-rector of AUL Professor Aladdin Aliyev stated the urgency of the topic.

Deputy Director of the Institute of History Assoc.Prof.Tofig Najafli noted that, Shah Tahmasib is a son of Shah Ismayil Khatai, founder of Safavid Empery of 235 years: “Thanks to successful domestic and foreign policy carried out by Shah Ismayil, Shah Tahmasib, Shah Abbas and other Safavid rulers, Azerbaijan Safavid State shifted into one of the mighty emperies of the Near and Middle East.”

Shah Tahmasib achieved the peace in Safavid-Ottoman wars: “Efforts of several European countries due to use the Safavids against Ottoman were ineffective”, stated Professor Shain Fazil.

It was informed that, Azerbaijan people estavblished the great states of Aggoyunlu, Safavids, Afshars, Gajars. Abolishment of hard damgha taxes during the reign of Shah Tahmasib positively impacted to development of craftsmanship and trade in Azerbaijan.

In closing, historian-scientists responded students’ questions.

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