Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


18.05.2016 14:26
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President of Japan’s “Kosugi Zohen Co” visited ANAS Institute of Botany and Central Botanical Garden

President of Japan’s “Kosugi Zohen Co” visited ANAS Institute of Botany and Central Botanical Garden

Saki Kosugi, President of Japan’s “Kosugi Zohen Co”, visited ANAS Institute of Botany and Central Botanical Garden.

Director of the Institute of Botany corresponding member of ANAS Valida Alizadeh informed the guest on directions, structure, international ties and achievements of the scientific venture led by her.

Acting Director of the Central Botanical Garden PhD in Biology Assoc.Prof. Vahid Farzaliyev stressed the necessity of development prospects of the garden and enrichment of live collection.

In his turn, S.Kosugi spoke about activities of his company, planting Japanese gardens in different regions of Azerbaijan, cultivation prospects of sakura plant, which is considered a symbol of Japanese culture.

In a meeting were discussed further opportunities of creating nook “Japanese garden” in the territory of Central Botanical Garden.

In closing, guest got acquainted with research works carried out at the institute, including live collection of the Garden.

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