Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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25.05.2016 10:48
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Azerbaijan science successfully represented at the 1st Forum of Humanitarian Sciences "Great Steppe"

Azerbaijan science successfully represented at the 1st Forum of Humanitarian Sciences "Great Steppe"

On May 23-24, Nazarbayev Center in Astana hosted 1st Forum of Humanitarian Sciences "Great Steppe",organized by the International Turkic Academy.

The forum was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of independence of Turkic-speaking countries and the Day of Turkic writing was attended by the Secretary of State of Kazakhstan Gulshara Abdulkhaligova, officials of Turkic-speaking countries, including many other countries, heads of international organizations, members of diplomatic missions, experts from 20 countries, and scientists.

Azerbaijan at the forum presented by the delegation chaired by Vice-President of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Academician Isa Habibbeyli.

At the forum a number of Science leaders were awarded gold medals Turkic Academy for merits in development of science Turkology

During the event, Azerbaijani Ambassador to Kazakhstan Rashad Mammadov submitted "The Honorary Diploma of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan " to the prominent representative of modern literature, a well-known public figure Olzhas Suleymenov, Recall that a few days ago the head of state Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on awarding Olzhas Suleymenov with " The Honorary Diploma of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan" in honor of his 80th birthday.

Read the congratulatory message of President Ilham Aliyev, Ambassador Rashad Mammadov noted that in his public activities Olzhas Suleymenov highly objectively cover the events of Bloody January 1990, said his bright citizenship in the anti-nuclear movement, no doubt, played a role in the struggle for prohibition of nuclear weapons tests in the world.

At the forum in panel discussions were held on "Scientific cooperation and integration in the Eurasian space: Finding the modern approach", "Turkic at a new stage: Methodological approaches, advanced technologies, and interdisciplinary aspects", "Turkic heritage in the context of modern ethno-cultural integration" "Civilization of the Great Steppe: general and special." They discussed topics such as the culture of "the Great Steppe", the formation of human civilization in this.

There was also an exchange of views on the ideas and the results of the study of the humanities at the fundamentals, listened to lectures by renowned scientists in the field of history, archeology, ethnography, folklore, literature and art, language and terminology.

Academician Isa Habibbayli has chaired for the plenary session on “Turkology at a new stage: methodological approaches, technologies, and interdisciplinary aspects" devoted to the 90th anniversary of the 1st Turkological Congress which held in Baku. Specially stressing out the importance of the decree signed by President of the Republic of Azerbijan Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of 90th anniversary of the Congress, Isa Habibayli spoke about the measures taken in our country along with other Turkic states. Delivering a lecture on “Integration processes in the Turkic world: literal-historical traditions and modern era” academician made speech on the historical and scientific importance of the congress, issues discussed, represented countries and their further fate. Stating the names of delegations of the 1st Turkological Congress, composed of 131 individuals according to the states, he paid tribute to the prominent turkologist scientists.

The meeting, chaired by the Academician Isa Habibbayli was listened issues of general studies of Altai languages, common Turkic alphabet, Turkic literary monuments, transition of the Turkic world to the common Latin graphics, historical ties of modern Turkic world etc. by Song Li Yong, a professor at the University of Seoul (Korea), Alimkhan Junisbek, senior research fellow at the Institute of Linguistics named after Ahmed Baytursunov (Kazakhstan), Mustafa Kachalin, the Turkish Language Society Chairman (Turkey), Timur Kocaoglu, a professor at the University of Michigan (the USA), Osman Fikri Sertgaya, a professor at the Istanbul University (Turkey) and Natalya Shirobokova, deputy director of the Institute of Philology, professor at the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia).

Within a framework of the International Forum Association of Turkic World Academies of Sciences has held a meeting as well. At the meeting, in which represented Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Habibbayli at the executive board, were exchanged views on a number of issues, made decisions of importance.Speaking on the Action Plan dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the First Turkological Congress Academician notified coordination of the jubilee event, coverage topics, and suggested proposals. Exchanged views on holding a final international scientific conference in November this year in Baku after jubilee celebrations in the Turkic republics, at the proposal of Academician Isa Habibbayli. In general meeting discussed topical issues such as the Latin alphabet, integration, doctoral training, joint research, collaboration via journals of impact factor etc.

Director of the Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi of ANAS Mohsen Nagysoylu delivered a lecture on language problems at the international conference. Professor at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography Zaur Hasanov and PhD in Philology Aghahuseyn Shukurov and other scientists’ presentations were approved by the editorial staff of international structure.

Forum featured an exhibition contained from books published during the activity of the Turkic Academy.

Within the event, Turkic Academy has signed a memorandum via several international scientific ventures.

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