International scientific-practical conference “Sustainable priorities of regional tourism” was held by the joint organization of Azerbaijan Tourism and Management University and Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, May 30-31, 2016.
Rector of ATMU Professor Jafar Jafarov notified the relevance of the topic and said that, conference aims to achieve the development of tourism on scientific bases as one of the leading sectors of economy with a dynamic enhancement presently. Event is of importance in terms of study experiences of advanced tourism regions and results of scientific research, proper organize the work of different organizations, functioning in this field, including promote scientific studies of scientists and specialists, engaged in tourism.
It was noted that, in addition to scientists and specialists from Azerbaijan conference was invited lecturers of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia and Ukraine. There were interesting works among the lectures submitted from Turkey and England.
CEO of Science Development Foundation Elchin Babayev stated that, tourism is a leading direction of the industry. The development of this field must be based on scientific principles, studied regional and international experience, but also laid out the specific realities of Azerbaijan. As a driving force young people should recognize Azerbaijan tourism brand in the world. Although Azerbaijan is a relatively small country, menahwile is rich of natural beauty, historical places, and different climatic zones that the tourists have the opportunity to get acquainted with all of them as soon as possible. Tourism is one of the most flexible carriers of the intercultural dialogue.
Country’s favorable environment for the development of tourism needs to be used properly. In this issue, you can take advantage of the integration of various fields of science, the hotel should not be limited only to food and housing, archeology, history, botany, astronomy, geology resources should be used to promote the disciplines. Young scientists and experts engaged in tourism should increase their qualifications in abroad, and get probations. Vocational schools should operate in this field, celebrate exprets should hold master classes. Science Development Foundation tends to underpin scientific research on tourism. Such events should be conducted in different parts of Azerbaijan in the future - Nakhchivan, Ganja and Sheki, stressed out E. Babayev.
Reporters brought to mind the significance of the event and highlighted the necessity of holding such kind of conferences that contribute to the development of tourism oftenly.
Then, conference run by sections on following topics: “Tourism aspect in regional economical development and sustainable development”, “The position of local self-sufficient in the development of regional tourism and the role of community- based tourism in the development of region”, “Tourism development prospects in the regions of Azerbaijan and management practices of the developed tourism regions in the sustainable development of regional tourism” etc.
Within a conference was featured an exhibition, displayed a video-slide on tourism.
Conference will end on June 1.
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