Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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02.06.2016 14:34
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Opening ceremony of the Garden of Conifers in ANAS Central Botanical Garden

Opening ceremony of the Garden of Conifers in ANAS Central Botanical Garden

ANAS Central Botanical Garden hosted the opening ceremony of the Garden of Conifers on June 2.

The ceremony was attended by members of the Presidium of ANAS, various domestic and international organizations, as well as media representatives.

The main purpose of the organization of the exhibition was the promotion of Botany as a science in Azerbaijan, demonstrations achieved in this area results, instilling a sense of young love and attention to nature, as well as familiarizing fans with new of conifers species.

Initially, participants of the event, having walked on the Botanical Gardens, familiarized with the exhibits and new plant species.

Opened the event, Acting Director of the Central Botanical Garden, PhD in Biology Vahid Farzaliyev informed the participants about the activities of the garden.

He noted that, Central Botanical Garden carries out the exchange of seeds with over more than 130 Botanical gardens of different countries. Currently, due to these seeds the collection of Garden is supplemented more than 40 species of trees, shrubs and flowering plants.

There are 2,500 species and forms of exotic and indigenous trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants, as well as a collection of 125 species of rare and endangered plants of Azerbaijan flora and botanical-geographical regions of the world at the Central Botanical Garden.

According to V. Farzaliyev, for the purpose of replenishment of base of raw materials of vegetable reurs in our republic and enrichments of types of gardening employees of a garden conduct wide-ranging studies in the field of biological diversity of decorative, medicinal, radio and other useful rare and endangered species of plants of Azerbaijan and foreign countries, studying of an introduction and bioecological features, acclimatization and creation of information bank.

Then, Academician Secretary of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS, Academician Ahliman Amiraslanov spoke about the significance of the exhibition devoted to types of conifers.

He stressed the relevance of the role of the gardens at the present stage of environmental pollution, reducing the area of green areas, increasing environmental problems in the world.

He noted that, in addition to carrying out research in priority areas in the Botanical Garden also instilled strong educational ideas.

Speaking about Garden ties with universities and research institutes, Academician noted that students' participation in this process is a very important factor.

Speaking about the country's leadership great attention, being given to the enrichment and development of the Botanical Garden, he expressed confidence that in the near future with a view to preserving the flora and fauna of the garden will be renovated and upgraded.

He noted that, for this purpose it is necessary to examine the existing experience of similar centers around the world and apply it in the Botanical Garden.

In conclusion, on behalf of management of Academy A.Amiraslanov expressed his gratitude to the staff LTD "SHABRAN-D" for their help in organizing the event.

The ceremony was also reported Head of the company of LTD "SHABRAN-D" Shohrat Mammadov.

Expressing gratitude to the participants of the event, he was brought to the attention that, the company he represents, for many years engaged in landscape architecture and installation of modern irrigation systems.

Noting that, the composition of the Botanical Garden will awaken in people a love of nature, Sh.Mammedov said that, his company is interested in the development of this sector, dynamically developing in our country.

Then, Head of the Department of Innovation of ANAS Presidium Administration, PhD in Agricultural Sciences Vugar Babayev said that, the main activity of the department is connected with the business. V.Babayev noted the importance of the event importance from the point of view of entrepreneurs in awakening interest in science.

Speaking at the event, Director of the Institute of Botany, corresponding member of ANAS Valida Alizadeh noted the importance and relevance of the role of botanic gardens in the protection of biological diversity. She brought to the fore the importance of the event on the eve of June 5 - "World Environment Day".

Then the event was continued by the concert program of the ensemble "Zirve" Joint Trade Union Committee.

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