Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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02.06.2016 15:23
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Employee of Russia Tomsk State University delivered a report at the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry

Employee of Russia Tomsk State University delivered a report at the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry

ANAS Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry held the enlarged meeting of the Scientific Council on June 2.

Opened the event, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Chemical Sciences, director of the institute, Academician Dilgam Taghiyev informed the attendants on issues on the agenda. He said that, scientific lectures are conducted at the Institute in accordance with the decree of the Presidium of ANAS.

D.Tagiyev informed that, at today's meeting the will be delivered the report of the leading researcher of Laboratory of Catalytic Research of Tomsk State University, Russia, Doctor of chemical sciences Eldar Dehnevi.

Then, Doctor of Chemistry Eldar Dehnevi submitted his report on "Topical issues of technology for some oxygenated compounds." The speaker informed on the researches conducted in the field of deep studying of kinetics and mathematical modeling for realization of application of some chemical compounds of industrial value, in particular realization in pilot installations of technological processes of receiving propylene of oxide of propylene, a glioksan from ethylene glycol, cyclohexane from phenol.

There was a broad exchange of views on the report, were responded questions.

Then, Academician Dilgam Tagiyev informed about the conference, which is organized on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Institute on this November.

It was noted that, the conference will be organized "Reading by Academician Murtuza Naghiyev" and carrying out of competition for young researchers "Prize after Academician Murtuza Naghiyev."

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