Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


02.06.2016 16:47
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“Great statesman of Azerbaijan – Hasan Padshah” scientific-practical conference held

“Great statesman of Azerbaijan – Hasan Padshah” scientific-practical conference held

Within the project “Let’s posses our historical figures”, was held a scientific-practical conference “Great statesman of Azerbaijan – Hasan Padshah” organized by the Institute of History at the secondary school No. 144 in Binegedi district, June 2.

Project manager director of the Institute of History corresponding member of ANAS Yagub Mahmudov made speech on the statehood history, historical figures, emperies existed in the history. Having had 5 thousand years of statehood history, Azerbaijan people established mighty states of the medieval ages – Aghgoyunlus Safavids, Afshars, Gajars.

Y.Mahmudov informed the conference participants about Aghgoyunlu ruler Hasan and said that, during his reign Aghgoyunlu has become a powerful military and political empire of the Middle East. 60-70-ies of the XV century, statehood culture of Azerbaijan has developed even more. Hasan Padshah used the policy to establish a strong centralized state, covering all the Azerbaijan lands. A special “Code of law” had been prepared in this respect.

Scientist also stressed out that national leader Heydar Aliyev called Hasan Padshah as a great statesman of Azerbaijan.

Hasan Padshah organized the translation of Korani-Karim into Azerbaijani, and writing Oghuzname dubbed “Kitabi-Diyarbekriyye” for notable scientist of his era – Abu Bakr al-Tehrani.

Role of Azerbaijan in ties with East and West increased and enlightenment was focused on during his reign, said scientist.

Conference was attended by chairman of Project Organizing Committee Araz Shamil, historian-scientists Tofig Najafli, Shahin Fazil, Dilaver Azimli, director of the secondary school No. 144 Hajar Mammadova and others.

Note that, conferences within the aforementioned project have been holding since April 2015. Over the past period, different secondary schools of Baku city held conferences devoted to the national leader Heydar Aliyev, Shah Ismayil Safavid, Agha Mahammad Gajar, Nadir Shah Afshar, Shah Tahmasib Safavid, Tomiris and Shah Abbas within the project.

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