Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


07.06.2016 17:29
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ANAS and ASEU to cooperate in the unity of science and education

ANAS and ASEU to cooperate in the unity of science and education

Today, co-organized by Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) and Azerbaijan State Economic University (ASEU) hosted a scientific conference on the theme "Unity of science and education has taken place: global appeals and local opportunities".

Opening the event, which was held at the Azerbaijan State Economic University, Rector of ASEU, Doctor of Economy, Professor Adalat Muradov stressed the great importance of the conference in terms of construction and long-term development of fruitful cooperation in the field of science and education.

A.Muradov reported on the activities of the educational institution headed by him, the implementation of international projects and programs in the field of scientific, economic, political and cultural development of the country.

In his speech at the event, President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh said that, to ensure the success of future science, for providing the successful future of the science which has incorporated innovative initiatives and innovations, the unity of science and education is of great importance. He noted that, strengthening the interrelations between science and education is an important factor to improve the intellectual level of young cadres.

Then, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Social Sciences of ANAS, corresponding member of ANAS Nargiz Akhundova delivered a report on "The value of teaching economic knowledge in the sphere of the social sciences", Head of the Department of Science of ASEU, Professor Zahid Mammadov - on "Synthesis of science and education: world experience and current trends".

At the conference were announced proposals for solving the problems in the sphere of science and education integration.

With the aim of mastering and application of international experience between scientific institutions of ANAS and the respective centers and departments of ASEU were held discussions on the mechanism of joint activities and the development of joint projects. It was emphasized that, it was necessary to expand scientific cooperation on the basis of mutually beneficial principles.

Then, in order to strengthen the integration of science and education, the expansion of cooperation between scientific institutions and institutions of higher education and training of highly skilled personnel was signed Memorandum of Understanding between the parties.

The document has reflected such issues as joint research projects, covering a mutually interesting topics, the application of scientific results in the learning process, attracting renowned scholars to the educational process, training of highly specialized personnel with scientific knowledge on the importance for the economy of the country specialties, exchange experience, research materials and information between teachers, doctoral, masters and researchers in order to improve the quality of education and the organization of educational process at the appropriate level.

In addition, in the memorandum are items, affecting such issues as organization of joint seminars, workshops, conferences and symposia on mutually interesting modern scientific topics, preparation and implementation of joint research programs on specific issues, the interchange of experience in the application of modern information and communication technologies in education process, the organization of passage of young scientists and teachers practice in reputable scientific centers of the world, etc.

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