Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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10.06.2016 20:19
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Meeting of ANAS Board of Directors held

Meeting of ANAS Board of Directors held

ANAS hosted the meeting of the Board of Directors on June 10 at the main building.

The event was attended by President of ANAS, Vice-President, Academician-Secretary of ANAS, Academician-Secretaries of the scientific departments, directors of the scientific institutes and heads of departments and divisions of ANAS Presidium Administration

Opened the session, ANAS President, Academician Akif Alizadeh introduced the issues on the agenda.

Initially, Academician Akif Alizade spoke about the future for domestic science, reflected in the "National Strategy on Science Development in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2009-2015", and a number important areas of scientific research.

He noted that, the successful completion of the national strategy has given impetus to the development of individual scientific fields and contributed to the integration of science and education.

President of ANAS said that, at present, one of the priority areas of activity of the Academy is the development of the doctrine of the development of science in the country.

Academician informed that, for this purpose, first of all, institutions and Departments of ANAS should be studied the current situation of different scientific fields and identify the challenges ahead. Then, the results must be submitted to the Presidium.

Then, Head of Department of Science and Education of the Presidium Administration of ANAS, Doctor of Engineering sciences, Professor Aminaga Sadigov informed about the terms of admission to Doctoral and Dissertate of the Academy and topics of theses that have to be fulfilled according to the plan.

He noted that, during approval of the theses must be taken into account their relevance for the future development of relevant scientific industries and major socio-economic importance of scientific research and studies carried out by each competitor on his subject.

Next on the agenda was the issue related to the course of summer exam session of the doctoral and master's degree, as well as the organization of the reception at the Academy Masters.

Aminaga Sadigov noted that, in accordance with the rules established by the Cabinet of Ministers, the summer semester of 2015/2016 academic year for the Master's degree in the country ended May 31, 2016.

Referring to the order of the President of ANAS about holding summer exam session for graduate students of the Academy from 1 June to 5 July 2016, Aminaga Sadigov noted that, according to the document on general subjects examinations will be organized testing by 10, 13, 16 June.

Professor reminded on orders signed with the purpose of organizing doctoral exams for doctoral students and dissertators and holding of summer exam session for Master of the Academy.

He noted that, the, according to the relevant decree the Presidium of ANAS, doctoral exams are held in English on IELTS program.

Reported on the results doctor's examinations in English which were carried out on May of the current year, the chief of the department has noted that, were achieved some success in this area.

He stressed that, in the coming days will be organized doctoral exams in German and French by the special commission created by the order of the President of ANAS. Aminaga Sadigov reported that, in general, exama in foreign languages will be passed by 200 individuals.

Professor noted that, doctoral exam of the dissertates in philosophy will be carried out by a special commission on 20-22 June. According to a list provided by the institutions, it is known that, in order to pass the exam registered 143 people.

The scientist said that, the doctoral examinations on specialties, started on May this year, in some institutes have been completed and some are still ongoing. He noted that, the in general, on specialties the exam will take 375 people.

Then, reported Academician-Secretary of ANAS, Academician Rasim Alguliyev, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS, Academician Ahliman Amiraslanov, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Social Sciences, corresponding member of ANAS Nargiz Akhundova, Director of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes, Academician Vagif Abbasov and others.

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