With the assistance of the Chairman of the Society of Azerbaijan-Hungary Friendship in Budapest Svetlana Abdullayeva published three - volume Azerbaijani tales in the Hungarian.
In the nearest future ANAS Institute of Folklore together with Institute of Literature named after Nizami will hosted a presentation of the three-volume edition.
About it was reported at the last meeting with S.Abdullayeva which was held at the Institute of Folklore.
At the meeting, director of the scientific institute, corresponding member of ANAS Mukhtar Imanov spoke about the done work abroad by S.Abdullayeva in the field of promotion of Azerbaijan, its culture and folklore.
It was noted that, about fifty years living in Hungary, S.Abdullayeva has translated into Hungarian 101 Azerbaijani tales and in 2013-2014 published in Budapest.
The sides exchanged views on the three-volume edition, which aroused great interest among specialists.
Publisher and translator S.Abdullayeva briefed about the election principles of stories included in the book, as well as the difficulties encountered during the transfer, and others.
The meeting participants emphasized the importance of this publication, noted that, this three-volume edition is the first experience in area of the translation of the Azerbaijani fairy tales on other languages.
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