Electronic assembly hall of ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami held a regular general meeting of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of ANAS.
At the event, Chairman of the Council, Associate Professor Famin Salmanov said on "Action Plan on declaration of 2016 in Azerbaijan Republic the "Year of multiculturalism".
Noting that, head of state keeps in the spotlight protection and promotion of multicultural values, having a long history in Azerbaijan, F.Salmanov informed the young people about the essence of multiculturalism, pluralism and tolerance, as well as the successes of Azerbaijan in this sphere.
It was noted that, the young scientists joining all scientific and public, political and social processes happening in Azerbaijan also treat with big keenness this question which carries an important historical and political strategic importance.
Investigate multicultural traditions from the scientific point of view. The chairman of the board has especially noted the book published in this direction by prestigious international scientific publishing house "Springer" "Present calls: postmodernity and multiculturalism" Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Institute of Philosophy, PhD in philosophy Roida Rzayeva.
Then R.Rzayeva, informed about her book, said that, in the published in English the book talks about postmodernism and its social features, the postmodern condition as an indicator of the transformation and development of consciousness.
The monograph comprises philosophical, sociological and cultural approaches to such modern problems as multiculturalism and culture of dialogue. In the edition are submitted for discussion of a form of multiculturalism, including multiculturalism and not western present as plural modernist styles.
Later, R.Rzayeva responded the participants’ questions.
Next discussed issue of the assembly was preparation for International Forum “Integration processes of the world sciences in the XXI century” to be held in Ganja city in November 2016 co-organized by Ganja Council of Young Scientists and Specialists and Ganja city Executive Power. Scientific-secretary of the Organizing Committee of the event, young specialist Aysel Jabrayilova stated that, the youth of the institutes of the Department of Humanitarian and Social Sciences dominates among those who apply to the forum. An international event will bring together young scientists of Great Britain, Sweden, Latvia, Turkey, Belarus, Russia, Georgia, Egypt, Indonesia and other countries, she added.
Assembly discussed the preparation work for the event “Modern Turkologic studies: problem and prospects” to be organized by Institute of Oriental Studies and Council of Young Scientists and Specialists on November 21-22, 2016. The event will be devoted to the 90th anniversary of 1st Turkologic Congress.
Assembly scheduled several issues as well.
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