Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


A burial mound dated back III centuries BC found in Gabala
28.06.2016 17:39
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A burial mound dated back III centuries BC found in Gabala

During excavations in Dizakhli village of Gabala region was found a burial dated back III centuries BC.

According to the chief department of Antique period archeology of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, corresponding member of ANAS Ilyas Babayev the funeral chamber of the burial mound with a diameter of 35 meters was revealed from 4 meters of stone and 3 meters of soil layer. This place is turned out to be a burial of the head of tribes living in the territory of Gabala.

Noted that in 1971, during archaeological excavations in the same area were revealed two small mounds and a great treasure was found from there. Scientists analyzing the treasure confimed that, coins were minted in the territory of Azerbaijan and indigenous peoples has joined to the international trade.

I.Babayev said that the burial mound of tribe head will be explored by an international expedition composed of Azerbaijan and Korean archaeologists.

Archeological investigations are going on.

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