Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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19.07.2016 10:19
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The great value attaches to development of long-term scientific interrelations with partners from USA

The great value attaches to development of long-term scientific interrelations with partners from USA

President of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Academician Akif Alizade has met Deputy Chief of Mission of the Embassy of the United States of America (USA) in the country Derek Hogan on July 18 at the ANAS Presidium.

Welcoming the guests, academician Akif Alizadeh thanked them for the attention accorded to the representatives of ANAS, who visited last month in the United States.

Noting that, Academy closely monitor all US advances in the science and technology, personnel training, President of ANAS spoke about the joint research conducted by scientists of both countries in the development of oil fields, biotechnology, genetics.

Thanking ANAS leadership for the warm welcome, Derek Hogan stressed that, the United States attach great importance to developing long-term relationships with its scientific partners. Guest spoke in detail about the programs that are carried out in the field of scientific cooperation between the US Department of State and the obtained achievements.

At the meeting, director of the House of Scientists of ANAS, PhD on History Nurida Guliyeva briefly told about meetings held by the delegation of the Academy in the United States and thanked the leadership of ANAS and representatives of the United States for the conditions created for participation in this program.

Also Nurida Guliyeva reported on the activities that are carried out in preparation for the Republican festival of science.

Then Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Ibrahim Guliyev informed about the programs that are implemented by US universities in the field of seismology geophysics, high technology, etc.

Academician-Secretary of ANAS, Academician Rasim Alguliyev spoke about cooperation in the field of information technology.

Noting that one of the priorities of the state policy is the development of industry in the field of software engineering, Academician proposed to form a special group on ICT ANAS and send to Silicon Valley located in San Francisco, California (USA) that programmers familiar with the project and advanced technologies.

Further, thanking all the initiators of the project, director of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Academician Irada Huseynova said that, on a trip to the United States attended the two young employees of Institute led be her which, thanks to the richness of the program for a short period of time to get acquainted with the activities of the various research centers USA. Then Irada Huseynova briefly acquainted the guests with the activities of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology and joint research conducted by scientists of the Institute and the relevant research centers in the USA.

In conclusion, the participants of the program were awarded certificates and make a memorable photo.

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