Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


09.09.2016 11:12
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Gold Medal on behalf of Nizami Ganjavi of the Republic of Azerbaijan presented to the notable scientist Lotfi Zadeh

Gold Medal on behalf of Nizami Ganjavi of the Republic of Azerbaijan presented to the notable scientist Lotfi Zadeh

Gold Medal on behalf of Nizami Ganjavi of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which was awarded Lotfi presented to him by Senior Counselor of Azerbaijan to Los-Angeles Nasimi Aghayev in the ceremony.

A teacher-student staff of the aforementioned university, scientist’s colleagues and followers of his research heritage were attended the event. Shankar Sastri, Professor, Dean of Engineering Department of the University, follower of Lotfi Zadeh, congratulated the celebrate scientist on the occasion of this remarkable day and expressed his gratitude to the Republic of Azerbaijan for a noble awarding on behalf of scientific venture led by him.

Then, a short film dedicated to Azerbaijan, motherland of Professor Lotfi Zadeh, its social-economic and cultural progress.

Senior Counselor Nasimi Aghayev stated that, by his scientific achievements to the world progress Lotfi Zadeh is one of the valuable representatives not only in Azerbaijan and USA but also in whole mankind. He stressed out President Ilham Aliyev’s care for senior scientist Lotfiz Zadeh both as a citizen and a precious delegate of world science and as a result of this care awarded him with Order “Friendship” in 2011.

At the end of his speech Senior Counselor read the congratulation letter by President of ANAS Academician Akif Alizadeh addressed to Prof. L. Zadeh, and solemnly presented the Gold Medal to the celebrate scientist.

Although living apart from Azerbaijan, Professor Lotfi Zadeh stated that, Azerbaijan occupies special place in his heart. Stressing out President Ilham Aliyev as a wise leader and talented state figure, he expressed his respect to him. A senior scientist noted that, today Azerbaijan has a great prestige not only in the region, but also in the global arena, and it is a result of purposeful policy pursued by President of Azerbaijan.

Event was attended by Professor at the Azerbaijan Technical University Shahnaz Shahbazova, who worked with him for a long years and Professor at the University of Berkeley James Demmel.

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