Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


29.01.2014 00:00
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Next assembly of ANAS Physical-Mathematical and Technical Sciences was held

Next assembly of ANAS Physical-Mathematical and Technical Sciences was held

ANAS Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics (IMM) held next assembly of ANAS Physical-Mathematical and Technical Sciences (DPMTS).

Opening the assembly with participation of bureau members, institute directors, vice-president of ANAS academician-secretary of DPMTS acad. Akif Hajiyev informed about the issues on the agenda.

Leading engineer on the application of new techniques and technologies of the Department of Science and Technology of “Azersu” Open Stock Company (OSC) PhD in physics Elchin Gurbanov informed about “The new technological methods providing drinking water and wastewater disinfection” project. He said that, toxic chemical reagents emerged as a result of disinfection of drinking water and wastewater is very dangerous for the environment. He also stressed the necessity of to replace chlorination process, wholly or partly environmentally clean high-voltage pulsed gas discharges technology, and “Azersu” OSC will carry out joint scientific-research fulfillments in this field with ANAS. Researches will be carried out in “Physics and Engineering of high voltages” laboratory at the Institute of Physics and “Azersu” OSC Central Laboratory.

Reporting about establishment of “Biophysics and smart materials Center”, Dr. physics-math Nazim Mammadov stated that, 2 laboratories directed to biophysics are operated in the institute.

Later on, were discussed new editorial staff of “Works of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics” and “Azerbaijan Astronomy” journal, partial changes in the Scientific Council of ANAS Institute of Cybernetics, increasing the staff of the observer group of variable containing at Shamakha Astrophysical Observatory issues.

Director of ANAS Institute of Radiation Problems, corresponding member of ANAS Adil Garibov, director of Shamakha Astrophysical Observatory, corresponding member of ANAS Ayyub Guliyev, director of ANAS Institute of Cybernetics acad. Telman Aliyev, director of IMM Dr. physics-math prof. Misir Mardanov and others were attended in the discussions.

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