Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


12.10.2016 10:29
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Joint meeting of ANAS Departments of Humanitarian and Social Sciences held

Joint meeting of ANAS Departments of Humanitarian and Social Sciences held

The Electron assembly hall of the Institute of Literature after Nizami of ANAS held departments of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Opening the event Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli provided detailed information on the work carried out at ANAS dedicated to 25th anniversary of restoration of state independence of Azerbaijan. Stressing the valuable role of scientists in the acquisition of the independence of Azerbaijan, Academician Isa Habibbeyli reported that, new books are published on the eve of Independence Day.

Then the chief department of Numismatics and Epigraphy of the National Museum of Azerbaijan History of ANAS, Dr. History, Professor Ali Rajabli, researcher of the Institute of Law and Human Rights Rizvan Huseynov, PhD in History Anar Sadigov, who participated in the international conference, held 26- 29 September this year in St. Petersburg, with the organizational support of the State Hermitage and dedicated Islamic numismatics, shared his impressions of the visit with the participants of the meeting.

Recall that on September 26-29 in St. Petersburg, the State Hermitage hosted an international scientific conference on Islamic numismatics. The conference program has been incorporated into the report of the Armenian scientist A.Akopyan, in which the territory of Irevan, Nakhchivan, Karabakh, Ganja khanates were presented under the title "Eastern Armenia". In this regard, the National Museum of Azerbaijan History of ANAS sent a letter of protest to the State Hermitage, followed by the words "Eastern Armenia" to be removed from the title of the report.

In order to prevent provocations of Armenian scientists at the conference and to bring to the audience the historical truth with the joint organizational support of the Presidium of ANAS and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan a group of scientists had been sent to St. Petersburg.

At the meeting, members of the Azerbaijani delegation was informed that during the visit a meeting with the director of the Hermitage M.V.Piotrovki, in which he expressed his satisfaction with the participation of Azerbaijani scientists in the prestigious event and noted that the name of the Armenian scientist report was refuted by the organizing committee. He also said that he opposes the penetration of politics into science and the politicization of history of the Caucasus.

The event also discussed the plan reception Master studies to both divisions in the 2017/2018 academic year, proposals and recommendations have been put forward.

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