Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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04.11.2016 15:26
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The Baku State University celebrated outstanding scientist Tofig Hajiyev’s 80th anniversary

The Baku State University celebrated outstanding scientist Tofig Hajiyev’s 80th anniversary

Baku State University (BSU) held a republican scientific conference on "Azerbaijan philology: a new stage of development", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of well-known Turkologist, honored scientist, cavalier of "Shohrat" order, Academician Tofig Hajiyev on November 2.

Opening the conference, Rector of BSU, Academician Abel Maharramov spoke about the fruitful scientific activity T. Hajiyev, his contribution to the development of linguistics in our country. It was reported that, a scientist-philologist even from a young age showed great interest in science, thanks to the substantial scientific activity played a crucial role in the development of Azerbaijani linguistics and dedicated this area all his life.

Rector said that, T. Hajiyev headed the Chair of Turkologyof Baku State University for 30 years, noted his role in the training of specialists in Turkic studies. Famous scientist from 1969 until the end of of his life worked in this higher education institution as assistant professor, Professor, teacher, head of the Department, had a great contribution in the development of philology, linguistics, Turkic Studies.

At the event delivered topic on "The life and work of Academician Tofig Hajiyev" Dean of Philology Faculty of BSU, PhD in Philology Elchin Mammadov spoke about the work of the famous scientist, his rich scientific heritage, achievements in the development history of Azerbaijani literary language, dialectology and Turkology.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chairman of the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs Ali Hasanov in his speech spoke about the T.Hajiev's life, creating by him a big school in the field of linguistics, his principled position, devotion to the path chosen.It was reported that, science plays a crucial role in the progress of any country. National leader Heydar Aliyev, as a true patron of Azerbaijani science, in all periods in power showed great attention and concern for the development of our science. This tradition is now successfully continued and developed by President Ilham Aliyev.

Chairman of Azerbaijan Writers Union, People's Writer Anar, sharing memories of outstanding scientist-linguist, said that T.Hajiev's rich scientific heritage is an excellent family man, modest and sincere man, will always serve our people and science, passed from generation to generation.

T.Hajiyev has done much in the field of training, nurtured for our republic and other Turkic people’s galaxy of scholars on the history of language, dialectology. An important place in his scientific work took studies related to the epos "Kitabi-Dede-Korgud".

Acted scientist-orientalist, Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Academician Vasim Mammadaliyev, head of the Ataturk Center in Azerbaijan, MP, corresponding member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) Nizami Jafarov, Director of the Institute of Linguistics after Nasimi, Professor Movsun Nagisoylu, Doctor of Philology Gazanfar Pashayev spoke about the activity of the turkologist, turcology-Azerbaijan study, on his merits not only in the scale of our country, but also the entire Turkic world, its research.

It was noted that, the preservation of the history of literary thought, the literary language in our country to this day and assessment of scientific and theoretical point of view, the position of the Azerbaijani language in the Turkic languages of the plane are the basis of scientific activity T.Hajiev. Under his leadership, produced 30 PhD and doctors of science. The results of years of searching T.Gadzhieva reflected in about 500 scientific works, more than 20 books and monographs and textbooks published in our country and abroad.

Highly appreciating the merits of Academician in the field of development of the Azerbaijani linguistics and his research and teaching activities, stressed that numerous studies characterized by a high theoretical level in various areas of linguistics, are among the achievements of Turkological science.

Speaking on behalf of the late scientist's family, his son Azer Hajiyev expressed his gratitude to the organizers and participants of the event for the respect and reverence for the memory of his father.

The conference continued its work in sections "Tofig Hajiyev - a prominent specialist in Turkic philology", "Linguistics" and "Literary Criticism". In sectional sessions on the whole 117 papers were delivered, held discussions.

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