Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


10.11.2016 14:20
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Memorandum between ANAS and CJSC “AzerGold” signed

Memorandum between ANAS and CJSC “AzerGold” signed

Institute of Geology and Geophysics (IGG) of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan and the Closed Joint Stock Company “AzerGold” will cooperate in the field of geology of ore deposits and mining research.

For this purpose at the event organized at the Presidium of ANAS was signed a memorandum between the parties. The document was signed by President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh and chairman of the Management Board Zakir Ibrahimov. According to the memorandum, scientists and experts will carry out joint geological and geophysical studies of ore deposits, located in the territory of Azerbaijan.

The document provides for the strengthening of business partnerships in the field of research, education and innovation, the implementation of development projects and programs, as well as the formation of human resources, specializing in the mining industry. For this, will be organized consultations and technical training, joint scientific conferences and meetings.

For the implementation of all these activities the parties will combine their technical, financial and human resource capacity. The memorandum reflected issues such as the use of JSC “AzerGold” personnel potential, material and technical base and analytical laboratories IGG, as well as the help of Institute in the training of young specialists for the company. In addition, the document provides the establishment of JSC “AzerGold” conditions for young scientists and specialists of ANAS research on exploration areas and mining companies.

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