Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


23.11.2016 14:09
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ANAS Republican Seismic Survey Center hosted a meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council

ANAS Republican Seismic Survey Center hosted a meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council

ANAS Republican Seismic Survey Center of ANAS hosted regual meeting of Scientific-Technical Council.

Fist, General Director of the RSSC, corresponding member Gurban Yetirmishli spoke about the agenda of the meeting.

Academician of ANAS Hatam Guliyev reported on "Seismic exploration and seismic information for the study of geological environment for join cooperation".

Academician of ANAS Hatam Guliyev reported on "Sharing of seismic investigation and seismological data for studying of the geological environment".

Then, were discussed reports of research and production of works on Departments carried out at at the center in 2016.

At the event, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Center Vugar Farajov delivered a paper on the activities of young people employed in the center.

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