Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


07.02.2014 00:00
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Next workshop of the Scientific Council of ANAS Institute of Geology

Next workshop of the Scientific Council of ANAS Institute of Geology

Next workshop of the Scientific Council of ANAS Institute of Geology was held.

Opening the assembly, president of ANAS acad. Akif Alizadeh informed about the issues on the agenda. Academician congratulated Rafig Safarov, employee of “Geodynamics and seismology” department of the institute who deserved President’s award for science by the Order of the AR President Ilham Aliyev “On the giving President’s awards for youth in 2014” dated February 1, 2014.

Later on, acad. Akif Alizadeh congratulated corresponding member of ANAS Arif Guliyev on the occasion of 80th jubilee, Dr. geology-mineralogy Akif Aliyev’s 80th jubilee, head of “Nafta- Press” publishing house Hafiz Abiyev’s 60th jubilee and wished them successes in the scientific activities.

In the event, were discussed work plan of the Scientific Council and Republican scientific seminars, report of scientific research works of PhDs studied at the European research centers, the presentation of the Azerbaijan geological map, the approval of the thesis topic on “Biochemical behavior of micronutrient in fluids of oil and gas reservoirs (in case of Pirallahi deposit)” by A. Aghayev, engineer of “Petrophysics” Department, master of Baku State University, on admission of doctoral (PhD training) of the institute, doctor of geological-mineralogical sciences A. Akbarov’s “Exploration and exploitation of underground water and resource assessment” book publication etc.

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