Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


28.11.2016 13:22
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ANAS together with the Italian company "Skaravatti Group" will carry out a pilot project

ANAS together with the Italian company "Skaravatti Group" will carry out a pilot project

ANAS Experimental and Industrial Plant (EIP) held the meeting with the delegation headed by President of the company, a member of London Royal Society, Professor Rosie Skaravatti.

The meeting was attended by directors of institutes of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS, including scientists and specialists working in the relevant field.

First, head of the Department of Innovation of the Presidium of ANAS PhD in Agrarian Sciences Vugar Babayev noted in his speech that, the main purpose is to hold discussions on the prospects of cooperation and joint projects between the two structures.

Then, Director of the Institute of Zoology, PhD in Physical and Mathematical sciences Elman Yusifov noted that, "Skaravatti Group", which has been operating for more than 200 years is engaged in biological and landscape design. It was reported that, on the island of Sardinia in Italy structure has important advances in science and technology as well as in molecular genetic studies.

Then, Professor R.Skaravatti delivered a report about the company represented her. Having said that, the application of scientific technologies in production is the main direction of the structure, she told about the research and ongoing projects in the company.

Then the speaker informed about the new technology, introduced in usage at the company. Noted that, the innovative and environmentally friendly technology allows for quick and effectively clean contaminated with oil and chemicals, soil and land resources.

She told about the work coming to perform in the framework of cooperation with the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS, invited all institutions of departments to participate in this project.

It was reported that, as part of a pilot project involving the use of new technologies in Azerbaijan with participation of the Institute of Genetic Resources will conduct research wool about 15 local sheep breeds.

Specialists of the Institute of Zoology will study biochemical composition wool. Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry will also be carried out tests on the former and the end-state of the soil.

In conclusion, the sides exchanged views on prospects for cooperation and implementation of a pilot project between the two structures, there was a number of proposals.

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