On December 2, was held "Innovation and the commercialization of science" workshop on the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences (DBMS) was organized by the Central Scientific Library of ANAS. The event was held on the initiative of the Innovation Department of ANAS Presidium Administration and co-organized by the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of ANAS, Department of Copyright and Patents. The seminar was attended by the Deputy Directors of Science at the institutions of the Division, young scientists and specialists, graduate institutes of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences, experts of the division who are engaged in research and innovation, the sponsors, as well as the national coordinators, participating in international programs.
Head of Innovation Department of ANAS, PhD on Agricultural sciences Vugar Babayev noted that the main objective of the workshop is to enhance the links between science and industry and the development of multidisciplinary innovation projects, the definition of the role of patents and licenses in the organization of the commercialization of science, introduction to international practice this field, including innovative projects implemented in the pilot-scale plant of ANAS. Then Vugar Babayev spoke about the activities and the successful reforms that take place at the Academy for the purpose of commercialization of science. Head called scientists and experts of the division actively participate in the further activity of High Technologies Park, created in ANAS and present their innovative ideas and suggestions.
Next on the theme "Innovative activity in the organization of ANAS and the commercialization of science" was presented by the chief specialist of the Innovation Department Samir Veliyev. The speaker spoke about the activities of the department, events that take place at the Academy for the commercialization of science. Samir Veliyev stressed the need to study international experience in innovation for the future development of the High-Tech Park.
In its report "The role of patents and licenses in the commercialization of science," the head of the Department of Copyrights and Patents Sadikh Nabiyev told participants about the protection of intellectual property rights. He noted that the use of patents and intellectual property rights is more important than protecting them.
Next, a senior researcher at the Institute of ANAS Control Systems, a national coordinator of the program ERC and HORIZON 2020, PhD in Physics-math Elkhan Sabziyev gave a presentation, in which he told about the features and principles of participation in international programs and projects. Stressing the need for participation in the framework programs “HORİZON-2020" of the European Commission, Elkhan Sabziyev shared vital information with scientists and experts on the rules of participation in the above framework programs, competitions, documentation and the creation of consortia.
Finally, discussion was held on the theme.
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