Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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14.12.2016 17:18
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Discussed perspectives of development of research conducted in the field of biological and medical sciences

Discussed perspectives of development of research conducted in the field of biological and medical sciences

At the regular meeting of the Presidium of ANAS, which was held on 14 December, was listened a report of Academician-Secretary of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS Ahliman Amiraslanov on "Status and prospects of development of scientific research in the field of biological and medical sciences".

Academician told about scientific and organizational work carried out in research institutions led by him. The scientist noted that, in the development of biological and medical sciences in Azerbaijan played a great role outstanding academics A.Grossgeym, V.Volobuyev, J.Aliyev, M.Topchubashev, I.Mustafayev, Sh.Tagiyev, A. Garayev, M.Abutalibov , M. Musayev and others, were created numerous research institutions and scientific schools, laid the foundation of new scientific sectors.

Ahliman Amiraslanov also noted that, during this period the institutions that are part of the department, and academic institutions, functioning under the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan Republic, conducted joint research works were carried out important activities in the field of innovative ideas in the scientific and organizational activity of ANAS and improve the level of scientific research.

At the meeting it was noted that the studies were carried out and obtained important scientific results in the fields of biological and medical sciences as physiological, biophysical and genetic bases of productivity processes; molecular mechanisms of resistance to stress factors; study, protection and efficient use of biodiversity; ecology and biochemistry of microorganisms; ecology, soil classification, soil energy; analytic-synthetic activity of the brain in vertebrates; diagnosis, prevention and methods of complex treatment of malignant tumors in the locomotor system, soft tissue and some internal organs, etc.

Academician gave a presentation on the obtained scientific results and international scientific cooperation offices in areas such as the study of soil and animal genetics, breeding, molecular biology and biotechnology, physiology, microbiology, soil science, agricultural chemistry and the various directions of medical sciences.

The speaker also noted that, being guided by the appeals of the XX century and priorities pushed before science the President Ilham Aliyev in the next years in Azerbaijan researches in such fields of biological and medical sciences as studying of a biodiversity, land and water inventories by means of advanced technologies, development and application of fundamental bases of new molecular and cellular biotechnologies, use of systems of an expression of plants for creation of technology of receipt of pharmaceutical products and production of medicines, complete reading a genome and ekzom of plants, use of opportunities of molecular and genomic selection for creation of new plant varieties, the geneticist and genomics of the person, prenatal and neonatal detection of heritable diseases, technologies of stem cells, a physiological and molecular and genetic research of longevity and neurodegenerate diseases will be conducted, use of modern technologies when studying new methods of treatment, etc.

The speaker also spoke in detail about the activities of national and international level, which were held in the framework of state programs approved by the Head of State, and in accordance with the provisions of the Presidium of ANAS.

After listening to the report it was discussed by the Presidium. The basis of the further activity of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of the above forward-looking direction had been taken. In addition, to increase the fruitfulness of the scientific activity of the institutions that make up the department, we were given instructions on the development of common multidisciplinary programs and projects, ensure the coordination and integration of research and training in master's and doctoral studies in promising areas.

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