Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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20.12.2016 12:22
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"Multiculturalism: Trends and Realities" book presented

"Multiculturalism: Trends and Realities" book presented

As you know, on December 19 by support of ANAS and the Interstate Foundation for Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS member states (IFHC) began the international scientific seminar on "Development of scientific relations at a new stage: the dialogue and cooperation."

On 20 December, the seminar was held presentation of the book "Multiculturalism: trends and reality."

The event, held at moderating Director of the Institute of World Literature after Maxim Gorky, Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vadim Polonsky and Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli, was commented on the merits of the book.

It was noted that, the new edition was prepared by the Institute of Literature of ANAS and the Stavropol branch of the Moscow State Pedagogical University (MSPU).

Academician I.Habibbeyli noted that, the view of domestic literature in the book through a prism of multicultural values proves as one of the main criteria determining its greatness.

The new edition provided to the public is the fourth book prepared within cooperation.

Vice-president of ANAS noted that, the implementation of joint projects between the two institutions will continue in the future.

Deputy Director of the Stavropol branch of Moscow State Pedagogical University Lilia Grigorova recalled the cooperation documents signed between ANAS and this branch in 2014. She said that, this document makes a significant contribution to the development of cooperative relations.

Others spoke persons also noted the importance of scientific cooperation between the two countries and stressed the importance of further expansion of these ties.

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