Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

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Presentation of 2 new monographs by ANAS correspondent member Haji Gadir Gadirzadeh held
27.12.2016 16:19
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Presentation of 2 new monographs by ANAS correspondent member Haji Gadir Gadirzadeh held

Presentation of monographs by Deputy Director for scientific work of the Institute of History, Ethnography and Archaeology of ANAS Nakhchivan Divison, correspondent member of ANAS Haji Gadir Gadirzadeh "Kitabi-Dede Korkut and Nakhchivan: comparative ethnographic motives" and "Universe and man: the end of the beginning, the beginning of the end".

Opening the event, chairman of the Division, Academician Ismayil Hajiyev spoke about the importance of both books.

The book is a scientist-ethnographer "Kitabi-Dede Korkut and Nakhchivan: comparative ethnographic motives" and "Universe and man: the end of the beginning, the beginning of the end" by Chairman of the Supreme Majlis has been recommended as a textbook for students of specialty "Religious Studies" of Nakhchivan University.

The book deals with questions about the relationship of man and the world depicted in the Quran and Hadith man's inner world, life and death, how to achieve perfection. In the studies presented excerpts from the works of prominent personalities as well as their opinion to this issue.

It was noted that, the new edition of "Kitabi-Dede Korkut and Nakhchivan: comparative ethnographic motifs" presented in detail the customs, beliefs, and family relationships. In studies were given preference over the individual battles, historical processes and the genesis of a number of customs and beliefs. The book mainly contains links to dastans and ethnographic materials.

Then was listened the report of the head of the Department of Institute of History, Ethnography and Archaeology of Division, corresponding member of ANAS Veli Bakhshaliyev on "Monographs "Kitabi-Dede Korkut and Nakhchivan: comparative ethnographic motives" and" Universe and man: the end of the beginning, the beginning of the end" as an important tool in the study of Russian history".

Speaking on the topic, head of the Institute of History, Ethnography and Archaeology Branch, PhD in History Emin Shikhaliyev, head of the Department of the Institute of Philosophy, Doctor in History Elnur Asaf Orujov Kalbizade told about the scientific value of books.

Speaking at the conclusion, the author Haji Gadir Gadirzadeh expressed gratitude to the leadership of the Autonomous Republic for the attention shown to his scientific work.

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