Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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29.12.2016 12:07
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Scientific session devoted to the 110th anniversary of famous scientist and literary critic Ali Sultanli

Scientific session devoted to the 110th anniversary of famous scientist and literary critic Ali Sultanli

ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami held scientific session devoted to the 110th anniversary of the prominent Azerbaijani literary critic and teacher, Professor Ali Sultanli.

First, Institute of Literature hosted the opening ceremony of the Electronic Reading Room.

The event, which was attended by well-known scientists and experts, ANAS Vice-President, Director of Institute of Literature after Nizami, Academician Isa Habibbeyli talked about a meaningful life path of the famous scientist, his rich scientific work and merits in the development of literature. He noted that, Professor A.Sultanli, which owns great achievements in research, teaching and publication of literature in Western Europe, is also the author of the first textbook and reading books on the literature of foreign countries in the Azerbaijani language.

He was the first Azerbaijani scientist in the field of literature of foreign countries who received in 1939 a degree of PhD of philology sciences, and in 1946 - Doctor of Philology in this area. The scientist won fame as the author of fundamental works and textbooks "History of Classical Literature", "Readings in Roman literature," "Reader on ancient literature", "Ways of development of Azerbaijani drama", "Nizami and literature of Western Europe" and others.

Academician I.Habibbeyli noted that, the main role in the creation of a prominent scientist takes work "Ways of development of Azerbaijani drama". In this work scientist first wrote about the scientific history of Azerbaijani drama. Scientific work, written in the form of individual reports and essays, and today is the most valuable sample of Azerbaijani literature.

Vice-President of ANAS said that, Ali Sultanli long time worked at the Azerbaijan State University (now Baku State University), was a researcher of the Azerbaijani drama, promoter of the outstanding representatives of the world literature. He noted that, the merits of Ali Sultanli were highly appreciated by the government, by the decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was awarded by a medal.

Academician I.Habibbeyli stressed the importance of more in-depth study of the scientific heritage of the scientist-literary critic.

Then the Head of the Department of Azerbaijani literature of the new period of the institute, Doctor of philological sciences, Professor Askerli Zaman spoke on "The Life and Works of Ali Sultanli", the Department of the Azerbaijani-Asian literary ties Leyla Ramazanova on "Merits of Ali Sultanli in comparative literature"

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