Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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06.03.2017 17:46
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Discussed the state and further promising areas of scientific research in the humanitarian sciences

Discussed the state and further promising areas of scientific research in the humanitarian sciences

At a regular meeting of the Presidium of ANAS, which was held on March 6, the report of Academician-Secretary of the Division of Humanitarian Sciences of ANAS, Academician Teymur Karimli on "Status and further promising areas of research in humanitarian sciences conducted in scientific institutions of the Division of Humanitarian Sciences of ANAS" was listened. The academician spoke in detail about the scientific and scientific-organizational work that was carried out in the department he headed. He noted that the research work that was conducted over the past period was aimed at socio-economic, cultural, moral and intellectual development of the country, and special attention was paid to the application of innovative ideas in the course of scientific and organizational activities.

At the meeting, Academician Teymur Kerimli spoke about important results received by institutes and organizations in 2016: "167 books were published on the department, 9 of which were published abroad, 2,024 articles published, 232 of which were published abroad, and 160 theses, 37 of which were published abroad. Employees of scientific institutions published 29 articles in journals with impact factor. The works of scientists were referred 111 times. In the scientific institutions of the department 43 theses for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and 5 dissertations for the scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences are defended. Currently, 46 doctoral students are enrolled in the institutes at full-time and 98 on correspondence departments, 235 dissertators and 11 undergraduates. In addition, last year the department employees won in 5 grant programs."

The Academiian-Secretary also spoke about the activities of the branch in the field of integrating science and education and expanding international relations. He noted that in the reporting year, the pedagogical staff of higher educational institutions took part in the courses of professional development in the scientific institutions of the ANAS at the Ministry of Education, and the students were practicing. Agreements on cooperation were signed, providing for joint activities with the universities of the republic in the field of science and education, more than 100 scientists and specialists of the department are engaged in teaching activities in higher schools.

Having said that in 2016 the institutes and organizations of the branch expanded cooperation with scientific centers and higher educational institutions of Germany, Poland, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Iran, China, etc., the Academician-Secretary noted that they were organized Meetings with scientists and cultural figures of these countries, the scientists of the department were sent to scientific missions.

The speaker also spoke in detail about the events of the republican and international level implemented in the framework of state programs approved by the head of state, as well as in accordance with the decisions of the Presidium of ANAS.

After listening to the report, discussions took place. These long-term directions were adopted as a basis for further activities of the Humanities Division. In addition, in order to increase the fruitfulness of the scientific activities of the institutions of the department, it was entrusted to develop joint multidisciplinary programs and projects, coordinate scientific research, ensure the participation of young scientists in international competitions for receiving grants, and also provide staff training in magistracy and doctoral studies in promising scientific fields.

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