Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


3nd volume of "Dendroflora of Azerbaijan" book published
14.03.2017 09:32
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3nd volume of "Dendroflora of Azerbaijan" book published

3nd volume of "Dendroflora of Azerbaijan" book was published by Director of the Institute of Dendrology, correspondent member of ANAS Tofig Mammadov.

The book published as a result of expeditions and monitoring the current state of dendroflora of Azerbaijan, contains information on the distribution area, ecology and use of arboreal shrubs from 25 families, 42 genera and 254 species of Azerbaijan flora. The new volume covers plant species from the legume family (Legiminosae or Fabaceae) to the family of the Swinkchat (Plumbaginaceae).

The taxonomic composition and determining keys of the species examined in the publication are given with reference to the A.Enqler-Prantl system, including the APG III-IV system adopted in 2009.

The book is intended for biologists, botanists, ecologists, dendrologists, teachers and students of higher and secondary special educational institutions, as well as a wide readership.

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