Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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04.04.2017 11:48
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“Climate changes and chemical reagents – new searches in sericulture” international conference held

“Climate changes and chemical reagents – new searches in sericulture” international conference held

VIII “Climate changes and chemical reagents – new searches in sericulture” international conference of the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea and Central Asia Silk Association (BACSA) took place in Sheki city on April 3.

Event co-organized by ANAS and Sheki Regioal Scientific Center of ANAS brought together representatives from Turkey, Russia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Romania, Bulgaria, China and Thailand, scientist and specialists of leading countries engaged in sericulture of the world, heads of renowned companies and mass media.

Opening the meeting, coordinator of BACSA to Azerbaijan, head of ANAS Sheki Regional Scientific Center PhD in Physics-math Yusif Shukurlu greeted the sericulturist-scientists from the world’s different countries. He informed that BACSA, in which includes Republic of Azerbaijan and countries located on the Great Silk Way in the Black Sea, Caspian Sea and Central Asia, was established in 2005.

Y.Shukurlu stated that, during the conference will be listened lectures on pressing topics, discussed problems related in sericulture industry and the production of silk cocoons, and investigated their solutions.

The first Deputy Head of Sheki city Executive Power Hasan Hasanov stressed out that, Sheki is one of the local-lore where sericulture traditions are kept for centuries old. Archaeological excavations in Sheki once more confirm the sericulture as one of the ancient and vital industrial area, he added.

It was noted that, historically known as the silk town - Sheki has been achieved in this area in the 80s of the last century. In those years, 1300 hectares of vineyards in the bar area produced 400 tons of cocoons. Meanwhile, 7 thousand workers employ in the silk factory of Sheki, was noted.

Later on, Academician-Secretary of the Division of Earth Sciences of ANAS Academician Fakhraddin Gadirov notified the orders of President Ilham Aliyev on development and reinforcement of sericulture. He noted that, innovative progress of sericulture is one of the main targets set forth ANAS and it will pave the way for opening new jobs, and the government will receive dividends.

Then, event was chaired by President of BACSA Director of Sericulture and Agricultural Experiment Station in Bulgaria Prof. Panomir Tzenov.

At the event, lectures on following topical issues were listened: “Impact of climate change to sericulture of the Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia”, "The innovative approach to the development of silkworm in Azerbaijan", "Isothermal strengthening of silkworm fibrin via contour” etc.

Note that, conference will run until April 7.

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