Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


26.04.2017 16:46
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Closing ceremony of the international conference held in Lankaran

Closing ceremony of the international conference held in Lankaran

In Lankaran, the closing ceremony of the IV International Scientific Conference on "Bloody Genocides Against the Turkic-Muslim Peoples in the 20th Century" was held.

Yagub Mahmudov, director of the Institute of History, corresponding member of ANAS, noted that Lankaran is one of the oldest cultural centers of Azerbaijan and expressed gratitude to the participants of the conference at the closing ceremony of the international conference in which scientists from various countries took part. The scientist-historian said that Armenian President Serzh Sargisyan in his speeches repeatedly acknowledged his participation in the Khojaly genocide. However, the international community ignores the statements of this executioner.

The head of the Executive Power of the city of Lankaran Taleh Garashov assessed the meeting in Lankaran of famous scientists and the discussion of genocides committed against the Turkic-Muslim peoples as a historical event in the socio-political life of the region.

Chairman of the Ataturk Research Center of Turkiye, Professor Mehmet Ali Beyhan, Chairman of the Ataturk Supreme Culture, Language and History Agency of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Turkey, Professor Derya Ors, Former Minister of Education of Turkey, Head of the New Turkish Center for Strategic Studies, Professor Hasan Jalal Gezal, head of Turk History Organization Professor Refik Turan highly appreciated the speeches and reports of scientists on the policy of genocide, deportation, repression, systematically carried out over the last 200 years against the Turkic-Muslim peoples in a vast geographical area.

On behalf of the conference participants, an appeal was received to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and the international community.

In the afternoon, the participants of the conference visited Shehidlyar Khiyabani, Memorial Complex of Genocide Victims of Azerbaijanis, Park named after Hazi Aslanov and Lankaran Historical and Local History Museum, burial and mosque in Sutamurdov and Hermetuk villages, testifying to the atrocities committed by Armenian Dashnaks in 1918.

The guests also visited the mausoleums of Sheikh Zahid in Shikhakaran village of Lankaran region, Sheikh Jamaladdin in Pensar village in Astara region, and the grave of Turkish officer Jamal Pasha.

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