Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


26.04.2017 11:27
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Institute of Botany carries out the program "Communication between science and education"

Institute of Botany carries out the program "Communication between science and education"

ANAS Institute of Botany held educational seminar for 8th classe students of secondary school No. 232 after D.Mamedzadeh. The seminar was organized within the framework of the action plan on "Natural wealth of Azerbaijan and biodiversity" in general schools, which are subordinated to the Baku City Education Department.

Head of the Laboratory of Phytosociology of Ecosystems, PhD in Biology Naiba Mehtiyeva informed the students about endemic plants and rare plants that are endangered, as well as I and II editions of the Red Book of Azerbaijan.

It was noted that, 140 species of higher plants were found in the first edition, which was published in 1989, and in the second edition of 300 species - 266 belong to the highest species, 20 - primitive (6 algae, 13 lichens, 1 moss), 14 - Fungal.

At the seminar, the researcher of the laboratory Nigar Mursal gizi explaining the rules and structure of the use of the Red Book, informed about the category, national and regional status of the included plants, the range of their distribution, brief description, biological, ecological, phytocenological and useful features of these plants and as well as their number, trends, limiting factors and measures of protection.

Discussions on such plants as "Khary Bulbul", "Caspian saffron", "Hirkan fig", "Hirkan pear" were held.

Doctoral candidate Shakhla Mirzayeva acquainted the students with Herbarium Fund, informed about the history of the fund, valuable valuable samples stored here and the conditions of their storage.

Doctoral Khanum Hasanova briefed the students with the exhibition entitled "Green treasure trove of Azerbaijan", reflecting the information on ten classic types of relict trees Hirkan forests and interactive maps showing information about the landscape, flora and fauna of Azerbaijan.


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