Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


05.05.2017 09:52
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The 1st Azerbaijan-Turkey Days of Geography held in Baku

The 1st Azerbaijan-Turkey Days of Geography held in Baku

Azerbaijan Geographical Society and the Department of Geography Faculty of the University of the Aegean held the 1st Azerbaijan-Turkey Geography Days on May 2-5, 2017 in Baku.

On May 2 the first day of the event at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (PAA) discussed the priorities of Azerbaijan's foreign policy, area of Azerbaijan and Turkey geography scientific research. In addition was held round table on "Expansion of ties and geographical approaches".

Event continued its work on scientific reports and discussions at the main ANAS building on May 3.

Reported at the meeting, President of the Geographical Society, Director of ANAS Institute of Geography, Academician Ramiz Mammadov noted that, this event is a stimulus for further joint activities and research

R.Mammadov said that, created of "Institute of Geography of the Turkic world" was one of the greatest desires of well-known scientist, geographer Budag Budagov: "The Turkish world is a great place, there are opportunities to work".

Then, representive of the Ege University, Professor Ertug Onar said he was pleased to visit brotherly country and spoke about the works in geography direction.

At the meeting were discussions on lectures -"Turkey's Aegean and Mediterranean coasts paleogeographical - archaeological research", "Global climate changes in Azerbaijan manifestations", "The water resources of the modern state", "Iimmigration system, changing position", "Turkey and the lifestyle", "Turkey in the geographical research","Creative tourism and Turkey","Azerbaijan Republic: geographical situation and geopolitical behavior.

After the meeting, the participants took the tour.

On May 4, the participants visited biogeography the stationary of ANAS Institute of Geography and Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory after N. Tusi.

On May 5, the meetings will be to discuss the possibility of conducting joint research which will be held in Gobustan State Historical-Artistic Reserve.

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