Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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18.05.2017 17:11
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Regular meeting of the Department of Earth Sciences held

Regular meeting of the Department of Earth Sciences held

Institute of Geology and Geophysics held a regular meeting of ANAS Department of Earth Sciences of May 18.

At the event Academician-Secretary of the department, Academician Fakhraddin Gadirov acquainted the participants with the issues on the agenda.

Then, Director of the Institute of Geography, Academician Ramiz Mammadov informed about the measures arising from the Order of AR President "On the Edition of the Atlas on Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan" dated March 2, 2016.

It was noted that, the purpose of publishing the atlas is to use natural resources efficiently, to protect people, settlements, industrial and agricultural institutions, other infrastructure facilities, including strategic oil and gas pipelines, communication lines, as well as to resolve issues of developing production Forces. Academician reported that, that the structure headed by him has developed 20 atlases and has noted importance of a meeting of members of the editorial board approved by the President for preparation of the atlas.

At the meeting were listened presentations of candidates applying for vacancies head of Department of the Institute of Geography. As a result, Academician Ramiz Mammadov was appointed Head of the Department of Caspian Sea Level Problems, Doctor of Philosophy in Geography Zakir Eminov - Head of the Medical Geography Department, Corresponding Member of ANAS Rauf Gardashov - Head of the Caspian Sea Monitoring Department, Ph.D. in Geography Shamil Azizov - Head of the Geoinformatics and Cartography, Ph.D. in geography Zabit Allahverdiyev - Head of the Department of Hydrometeorology of the Caspian Sea, Associate Professor Zaur Imrani - Head of the Department of Tourism and Recreation translational georafii.

It was also decided to nominate Ph.D in geography, assistant professor Magerram Hasanov to fill the position of deputy to the scientific work of the Institute of Geography.

At the meeting it was decided to hold a conference dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the scientist-geologist, doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, professor and corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Ali Amiraslanov.

In addition, changes in the composition of the editorial board of the series of Earth Sciences magazine "News" of ANAS. According to the changes, Academician Arif Ismayilzadeh, corresponding member of ANAS Bagir Suleymanov and Dr.Sc. Zakir Èminov elected as new members of the Editorial Board.

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