Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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06.03.2014 00:00
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Meeting with persons responsible for international relations

Meeting with persons responsible for international relations

International Relations Office (IRO) of ANAS Central Administration of the Presidium held meeting with responsible persons for international relations of the institute and organizations of ANAS on March 5, 2014 at main building of ANAS.

In the meeting were attended chief of IRO PhD in geology-mineralogy senior lecturer Ghulam Babayev, deputy chief Zarifa Aliyeva and deputy chief of department for relations with foreign academic organizations, Ruslan Gasimov.

The main purpose is to strengthen cooperation with officials of international relations of the institute and organizations of ANAS, and to hold discussions for implementation of joint international grant projects.

In the event Arif Gambarov – ANAS Shamakha Astrophysical Observatory, Ali Shamilov – ANAS Institute of Folklore, PhD in biology Esmira Alirzayeva – ANAS Institute of Botany, Dr. physics-math Rauf Gardashov – ANAS Institute of Geography, chief department PhD in engineering Vugar Musayev - ANAS Institute of Information Technologies and others reported and performed proposals.

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