Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


A monograph devoted to the study of mushrooms published
07.09.2017 14:18
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A monograph devoted to the study of mushrooms published

A monograph "Hats Mushrooms spread in Shahbuz District of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic"by the senior researcher of ANAS Institute of Bioresources of the Nakhchivan Department Hamida Seyidova was published.

The monograph is devoted to the taxonomic spectrum, botanico-geographical features of the hat-shaped fungi common in the Shahbuzsky district of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, as well as the results of scientific research conducted in the direction of protection of rare species.

During the expeditions organized in 2007-2015, the species composition and distribution zones of the mushrooms, as well as the change in their seasonal dynamics by years, have been established in the places of the Shahbuz region, such as Merelik, Salasiuz, Badamli, Dailagly, Kulyus, Kechilly, Garabab, Mahmudoba, Nursu, Kyuku, Kelan, etc. .

Note that, based on materials collected during the research, 93 species of capped fungi were identified, divided into 2 classes, 7 rows, 25 families, 57 genera. 16 families, 45 genera and 84 species of them are new to the Mycobiota of Nakhchivan. A 4 genus and 18 species were found for the first time in the mycobiotic of Azerbaijan.

In the course of the studies it was found that there are 42 types of edible, 30 kinds of inedible and 6 kinds of poisonous mushrooms in the territory.

The new edition can be used as the main source for studying information on fungi, assessing biological diversity, preparing environmental programs and curricula of secondary schools and universities.

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