Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Presentation of a number of publications at Nakhchivan Department of ANAS
13.09.2017 16:24
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Presentation of a number of publications at Nakhchivan Department of ANAS

New publications of the Institute of Art, Language and Literature of Nakhchivan Department of ANAS - "Eynali bay Sultanov and folklore", "Huseyn Javid and folklore", "History of English grammar study in Azerbaijan" and "National Idea Concept in Azerbaijani Literature and Azerbaijanism Ideology" presented.

Speaking at the event, chairman of the department, academician Ismayil Hajiyev said that the staffs of the institute have published valuable scientific works, including valuable monographs and books in recent years. Four monographs were a successful outcome of productive research by the authors, he stated.

Senior scientific worker of the Department of Music and Theater of the Institute, PhD in Art Studies Alakbar Gasimov made a lecture on theme "Precious work dedicated to Eynali bey Sultanov's creativity", PhD in philosophy Zulfiya Ismayil on "Precious work dedicated to folklore sources of Huseyn Javid", Ali Hashimov on "Valuable work dedicated to the concept of national thought and the ideology of Azerbaijanism ", Nuray Aliyeva on" Decent work dedicated to the study of English grammar in Azerbaijan ".

Finally, discussions carried out on the reports.

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