Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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13.09.2017 20:42
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Ambassador of Italy to Azerbaijan visited ANAS Presidium

Ambassador of Italy to Azerbaijan visited ANAS Presidium

ANAS Presidium held a meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Italian to Azerbaijan Augusto Massari and Sandro Teti.

ANAS Vice-President, Academician Ibrahim Guliyev, ANAS Academician-secretary, Academician Rasim Alguliyev, head of the Department of International Relations of Presidium Administration, PhD in biology Esmira Alirzayeva and head of the Office of Public Relations and Science Popularization Zulfugar Farzaliyev also participated the meeting.

At first, ANAS President, Academician Akif Alizadeh informed the guest about the history of the scientific institution. He noted that, the structure, functioning for 72 years, has invaluable merits in the development of Azerbaijani science. Over the years, Academy conducted research on priority areas of science, scientists of the country, having achieved important scientific results, contributed to the world science.

Then, scientist spoke about the scientific ties established between the relevant institutes and organizations of ANAS and the scientific structures of Italy. He noted that, many Russian scientists and specialists actively participate in various grant projects in Italy, and young scientists are studying the scientific experience of this country.

The scientist expressed his confidence that the newly appointed Ambassador of Italy to Azerbaijan will continue to support the development of scientific relations between the two countries. He said that, currently is being discussed priorities are being determined and future work on developing cooperation between Italy and Azerbaijan.

Then, ANAS President noted that, since 2015 Academy had organized graduate courses. According to the scientist, the main goal is to attract young people to science, increase their scientific thinking. He stressed distinctive feature of the academic magistracy is that undergraduates immediately begin to research in the laboratories of the institutes of the Academy.

Then, A.Alizadeh handed to the ambassador"Atlas of mud volcanoes of the world" prepared by the Azerbaijani specialists. Informed about the research of mud volcanoes, held in the country for many years, the scientist noted that in the new atlas information about more than 3000 volcanoes around the world was reflected. I brought to the attention that of the existing 800 mud volcanoes around the world, 400 are located on the territory of our country.

Ambassador Augusto Massari, who spoke then, expressed interest in developing existing ties of cooperation between the two countries, and said that, he would invite a delegation from Italy to organize these ties.

Highly appreciating the studies and projects carried out at ANAS Institute of Information Technology, A.Massari stressed the expediency of exchanging personnel and experience with this scientific institution.

In conclusion, Academician Ibrahim Guliyev noted that, ANAS is preparing for a new project in the line of the European Union, in which take part 40 countries includeing Italian scientists.

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