An international conference on "Actual problems of modern oriental studies" (Ziya Bunyadov's editions) has started its work jointly with Institute of Oriental Studies named after academician Z.M. Bunyadov and National History Museum of Azerbaijan of ANAS.
The conference participants from Russia, Turkey, Georgia, Uzbekistan and other countries first visited the grave of national leader Heydar Aliyev and academician Ziya Bunyadov at the Alley of Honors.
Academician Isa Habibbeyli, vice-president of ANAS, said that the conference was dedicated to the memory of outstanding Azerbaijani historian and orientalist, well-known public figure, State Prize laureate, Hero of the Soviet Union, academician Ziya Bunyadov.
The academician then spoke about his fundamental research on the various periods of our history, his work in the field of investigation and translation of medieval sources, his contributions to the rise of historical science in the republic and the formation of the new generation of Arabian historians. Z.Bunyadov has created a unique scientific school, I.Habibbeyli noted that the scientist was the author of "Azerbaijan in the Atabeylar state (1136-1225)", "Azerbaijan in the VII-IX centuries", "Kharazmshahlar-Anushtekin's state" and other works, the scientist lined out.
Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Academician Govhar Bakhshaliyeva delivered a report on the theme "Life that has gained immorality". She said that the scientist was known worldwide as an outstanding specialist on the history of Middle Ages, the East and the Arab Caliphate, Azerbaijan, the Caucasus and Central Asia, and won the sympathy of the scientific community and the readership.The scientist's numerous works in different fields of oriental science covers not only the Azerbaijani people, The history and social life and culture of the Middle Ages, all his works are based on a deep and accurate analysis of the sources, and the issues he has investigated have always been distinguished by their high professionalism and originality, the speaker emphasized.
Academician-Secretary of ANAS Department of Social Sciences, Academician Nargiz Akhundova, Director of National Azerbaijan History Museum, academician Naila Valikhanli, Deputy Director on Scientific Affairs of the Institute of Oriental Studies, academician Shahin Mustafayev, Director of Institute of World Literature named after A.M.Gorky of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) , academician Alexander Kudelin, director of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the RAS, Professor Irina Popova, professor of Najmeddin Erbakan University of Turkey Ahmed Tashgin and others voiced their views on Zeynaliyev's scientific heritage, life and personality.
A memorandum on scientific cooperation was also signed between the Institute of Oriental Studies and the Institute of Oriental Studies of Georgia, the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts and World Literature of the RAS.
The conference will last two days.
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