Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


The first Azerbaijan-Saudi Arabian Geography Days are held
23.10.2017 09:35
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The first Azerbaijan-Saudi Arabian Geography Days are held

The First Azerbaijan-Saudi Arabian Geography Days have begun at the Institute of Geology named after Academician H.A.Aliyev.

37 representatives of the Saudi Society of Geographical Society will attend the events until October 27.

President of Azerbaijan Geographical Society, Director of the Institute of Geography, academician Ramiz Mammadov spoke about the development stages of Azerbaijani geography, the development of natural, economic and social geographical processes in the territory of the republic and their mutual relations. Ramiz Mammadov talked about important scientific-research works carried out by his organization, problems facing geographical science, achievements, and recent projects in the direction of expansion of international relations. Ramiz Mammadov noted that this event is an incentive for future joint activities and scientific researches.

Then President of the Saudi Society of Geographical Society Mohammed Abdul Hamid Meshkis gave detailed information about the geography of his country.

Then deputy director on scientific affairs of the Institute of Geography, PhD on geography Maharram Hasanov made a report on "Geography of Azerbaijan". It covers geographical position, relief, landscape, climate, hydrology, tourism potential, economic geographical regions, economic development, international relations, etc.

At the event, discussions were held on the cooperation between the Azerbaijan Geographical Society and the Saudi Geographic Society.

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