Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


23.10.2017 12:36
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Started international scientific conference on "Hussein Javid and modern youth"

Started international scientific conference on "Hussein Javid and modern youth"

An international conference on "Hussein Javid and contemporary youth", dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the great playwright and poet Hussein Javid, has started at the ANAS Institute of Literature named after Nizami and Huseyn Javid's House Museum on October 23.

Initially, the participants visited the statue of Huseyn Javid.

Academician Teymur Karimli, academician-secretary of the Department of Humanitarian Sciences of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Manuscripts, opened the event with participation of scholars and specialists from Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Uzbekistan and other countries. The scientist emphasized the importance of the conference in terms of research and propagation of H. Javid's heritage and gave detailed information about the dramatist's rich creativity. He noted that H.Cavid has set a new stage in our literature with his deep philosophical-aesthetic content.

"H.Javid laid the foundations of national romantic poetry, drama and tragedy genres in Azerbaijani literature," academician T. Kerimli said, adding that H.Cavid's drama, in general, affects the colonial policy of the empires, spiritual morality.

Then, Sona Valiyeva,PhD in philology, founder and chairman of the board of "Kaspi" educational company, made a report on “Huseyn Javid's work "Topal Teymur": history and modernity ". The reporter said that the writer brought new content into the literary realm of Azerbaijani literature and his works such as "Ana", "Kusurum", "Iblis" and "Sheikh Sanan.

Later on, the chairman of the Yasamal District Organization of the New Azerbaijan Party, Huseyn Javid's relative Tagi Ahmedov spoke about the tragic fate of the Javids family and shared memories about the great writer. He said that thanks to the efforts and determination of the nationwide leader, world-renowned political figure Heydar Aliyev, Hussein Javid was buried in Nakhchivan.

T.Ahmadov emphasized that the memory of great writer has always been dear to our people, his creative heritage will be studied for many years and will be studied.

Director of the Institute of Folklore, academician Mukhtar Imanov's "The image of a multicolored angel in Huseyn Javid's drama", director of Huseyn Javid's House Museum, Doctor of Philology Gulbaniz Babakhanli's "The World's Image in Hussein Javid's Artistic-Philosophical Heritage" and other topics were listened.

The conference continued with plenary sessions.

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