Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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26.10.2017 16:21
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The team representing our country at “Climate Launchpad 2017” has been selected as one of the 15 most successful starters

The team representing our country at “Climate Launchpad 2017” has been selected as one of the 15 most successful starters

“Climate Launchpad 2017”, the world's largest “Green” business competition, being implemented with the main partnership of ANAS High Technologies Park (HT Park), has taken place in the world finals.

Head of HT Park Business Incubation Center Vusal Suleymanli gave the information at a press conference at the Central Scientific Library of ANAS. He noted that the ClimateLaunchpad competition serves the idea of ​​protecting and development of the environment: "The teams participating in the competition will be able transforming entrepreneurial ideas into product, commercialize the product and market it on the global market".

Cesur Hasanov, the head of Social Innovation Lab, the official partner of the ClimateLaunchpad contest in Azerbaijan, spoke at the event. He said that the project, which Azerbaijan joined for the first time, has been launched in February of this year and trainings have been held for the participants.

Then Hasanov gave information about the finals of the Climate Launchpad 2017 contest held in Limassol, Cyprus on October 17-18, 2017.

Our country has been represented by 3 teams: “Catalyser”, “Sh2ower” and “Emwaes”, which won the country's final at "ClimateLaunchpad 2017": "They have competed for bringing Azerbaijan to the world’s “cleantech” map.

It should be noted that High Technologies Park program is "golden sponsor" - the main partner of the program, which promotes the development of innovative technological innovations in our country and commercialization of innovative initiatives. The Bronze Sponsor is the Barama Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center.

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