Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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31.10.2017 11:15
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Huseyn Javid’s 135th anniversary celebrated in Bulgaria

Huseyn Javid’s 135th anniversary celebrated in Bulgaria

ANAS, Embassy of Azerbaijan in Bulgaria and the Center for Azerbaijani Language and Culture of the Baku Slavic University under Sofia University after St.Clement of Ohrid held conference dedicated to the outstanding poet and playwright Huseyn Javid’s 135th anniversary in Sofia.

The event was organized in accordance with the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Holding the 135th Anniversary of the Outstanding Azerbaijani Poet and Playwright Huseyn Javid" on October 24, 2017.

Speaking at the conference, Ambassador of our country to Bulgaria, Nargiz Gurbanova, spoke about the rich roots of Azerbaijani literature and noted that, the pearl of the national folklore treasure dastan Kitabi-dede Korgud occupies a peculiar place among the samples of the epic genre of world literature.

N.Gurbanova reported that, Azerbaijani literature of the early XX century is characterized by the emergence of a romantic trend. She noted that, at that time the social and political events of that time, including the formation in 1918 of the first democratic republic in the Muslim East-the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, had an exceptional impact on literature. She stressed the special role of Huseyn Javid in Azerbaijani literature as the founder of a new trend - romantic poetic drama. N.Gurbanova described the glory of H.Javid as a poet and philosopher, lyrical playwright, talented scholar and writer in Azerbaijan and abroad. The diplomat has brought to attention that the playwright H.Javid covers the universal socio-political and cultural events of his time and has a wide range of readers.

Vice-President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAN) Vasil Nikolov said that, the conference will pave the way for the development of scientific and cultural ties between Azerbaijan and Bulgaria. Stressing that active work is being done in this direction in both academies, the scientist informed about the agreement on cooperation signed in the field of science and technology between ANAS and BAN in April this year. V.Nikolov noted that, the document envisages the implementation of joint projects between the academies, the organization of scientific conferences, seminars and symposiums.

Vice-President also talked about the position of Huseyn Javid in the history of Azerbaijani literature. He stressed that, such works as "Iblis", "Prophet", "Sheikh Sanan", name of H. Javid are inscribed in the golden pages of Azerbaijani literature.

ANAS Vice-President, Academician Isa Habibbeyli said that, the event dedicated to the creative work of H.Javid in Bulgaria is a great cultural event and the first conference dedicated to Javid's heritage in Europe. Highly appreciating the agreement on cooperation signed between the academies of the two countries in the field of science and technology, I.Habibbeyli noted that, there are broad prospects for cooperation in the scientific sphere.

Stressing the importance of translating the dramas "Maral" and "Shade" of the great playwright, Academician I. Habibbayli said that, these publications contribute to the study of Javid's heritage in Bulgaria.

Director of the Institute of Literature BAN Elka Traykova touched on various aspects of creativity G. Javid, briefly analyzed the works of the writer.

At the event Academician-Secretary of the Department of Humanitarian Sciences of ANAS, Academician Teymur Kerimli, Director of ANAS Husein Javid’s Home Museum, Doctor of Philology Gulbeniz Babakhanli, Head of the Department of Turkic and Altaic Studies, Sofia University of St.Clement of Ohrid Irina Saryvanova and other speakers noted that Huseyn Javid verse tragedies and historical dramas opened a new stage in the Azerbaijani drama.

Within the framework of the conference there was also a presentation of works translated into the Bulgarian language "Maral" and "Shade" by the great playwright.

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