Leading expert of ANAS Transfer of Technology Department of the High Technologies Park Mahmud Efendiyev presented a presentation on the project "New downhole sucker rod pump - 44 mm".
The event was attended by employees of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS, as well as representatives of the production association "EPC Group" and "Az-Neft".
Speaking at the ceremony, head of the Transfer of Technology Department Zaur Ahmadzadeh informed the audience about the project.
Author of the project Mahmud Efendiyev spoke about the project "New downhole sucker rod pump - 44 mm" and valued it an innovative pump of a new generation for its efficiency.
M.Efendiyev visually compared existing pumps with the "New downhole sucker rod pump - 44 mm": "During the operation of the pump, a compression occurs between the plunger (cuff) and the cylinder is compressed, which leads to friction. It leads to a fast rupture of the pump. When the "New well pump rod - 44 mm" need to repair change not the whole pump, but in this case you have to change only the plunger. Thus, pumps don't change, and which leads to cheaper oil production".
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