Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


05.12.2017 10:35
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December 3 - International Day of Disabled Persons

December 3 - International Day of Disabled Persons

Khazar University, by the organizational support of the Public Association "International Society of Disabled People" and the newspaper "World of Disabled People" held event devoted to December 3 - International Day of Disabled Persons.

The event was attended by representatives of the Ministries of Internal Affairs, Health, Transport, Communications and High Technologies, the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations, the State Committee for Family, Women and Children, the Red Cross Society, embassies and international organizations accredited in our country, families martyrs and other persons.

First, Board of the International Society of Disabled People held the meeting. The member of the Board, Malahat Abdullayeva, spoke about the work done to protect the rights of persons with disabilities, improve their social status, and prevent their isolation from society.

Then, the chair of the Public Association Tahir Khudiyev spoke about care to people with disabilities in the country. He noted that, the goal of the International Day of Disabled Persons is to direct the attention of relevant governmental and non-governmental organizations, in general, the society to solving the problems of this category of people.

At the event, People's Artist, Tarist Ramiz Guliyev, Deputy Chairman of the Free Trade Union Samir Hajiyev and others spoke about the importance of support for persons with disabilities.

At the end, was organized exhibition of handicrafts of people with disabilities.

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