Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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02.04.2014 00:00
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“Literary process – 2013: results and duties” conference

“Literary process – 2013: results and duties” conference

“Literary process – 2013: results and duties” conference was held at the main building of ANAS, organized by Institute of Literature named after Nizami.

Opening the meeting vice president of ANAS, director of the Institute, academician Isa Habibbayli, stated hold of creativity conference from 1976 to 1984. 6 books were published devoted to the results of the conferences and it is a valuable source for literary critics, he stated.

Academician I.Habibbayli noted the importance of holding creativity conferences together with Azerbaijan Writers’ Union (AWU).

Isa Habibbayli talked about scientific – organizing works of creativity conferences on “Literary process – 2013: results and duties”. Literary criticism department has been established at the institute, he said. At the end of his speech academician emphasized publication of lectures presented to the conference.

Secretary of AWU Rashad Majid talked about the importance of organizing creativity conference after 30 years. He praised the holding of the event in collaboration with the AWU.

Head of Literary criticism department of the Institute, Doctor of Philological Sciences Vagif Yusifli made a lecture on theme “Literary landscape of the year”, employee of Literary criticism department Nargiz Jabbarly on theme “Poem of 2013” PhD Elnara Akimova on " Poem creativity “and so on.

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