Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry after academician Murtuza Naghiyev ANAS held a next meeting of ANAS Presidium on January 15.
Then, ANAS Vice-President, Academician-Secretary of the Division of Chemical Sciences, Academician Dilgam Tagiyev delivered a report reflecting the scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the department in 2017. The academician noted that, fundamental and applied research in the reporting year was conducted in accordance with priority areas.
Announced the statistical data, Academician D.Tagiyev reported that, last year in the institutions of the department were conducted research works on 43 topics covering 12 problems, 5 topics were completed. He noted that the staff of scientific institutions of the department and higher educational institutions of the republic received 21 important scientific results in the field of scientific and fundamental research, 10 works of applied nature were tested in various organizations. Branch institutes received 19 republican and 3 Eurasian patents.
Academician said that, during the reporting period, scientific research work was carried out within the framework of the state programs and the Development Concept "Azerbaijan 2020: A Look into the Future", at the same time, 3 scientific and technical programs were financed by ANAS.
In his report, he noted that, at the primary stage the journals of the Chemical Problems and Petrochemical and Petrochemical Processes were included in the Thomson Reuters database and an electronic version of the journal The World of Science was also created.
Speaking about the international ties of the branch institutes, Academician D.Tagiyev said that, joint international laboratories created by the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry together with the International Center of Physics (Spain, Donostia), the Berlin Technical University (Germany), the University of Huddersfield (Great Britain ) and the Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer (Minsk, Belarus), in magazines with a high impact factor, about 30 joint scientific articles were published. In addition, the institutes of the department established contacts with the world's leading scientific centers, discussed promising research projects.
Academician-Secretary also touched upon such issues as execution of decrees and orders of the head of state, resolutions of the Presidium of ANAS and instructions of the President of the Academy, training of personnel, structural changes, conferences and anniversaries, foreign trips, awards, etc.
The reporter published figures reflecting the staff of the department, publications and important scientific results. He said that 12 full members and 18 corresponding members, 108 doctors of science and 305 doctors of philosophy are employed in the Department of Chemical Sciences, 8 monographs have been prepared for printing by the staff of the institutes, 3 books have been published, 1,025 articles and theses have been published, 213 of which have been published in Light in journals with impact factor.
Then, took place discussions on reports. Academicians Ahliman Amiraslanov, Nazim Mammadov, Abel Maharramov, Adil Garibov, Maharram Mammadyarov, Doctor of political science Fatali Abdullayev and others expressed their opinions and put forward proposals.
Then, the report was approved. Important scientific and applied results on the Department of Chemical Sciences were included in the annual report of the Academy. Measures to implement state programs were approved. Various proposals were voiced to increase the level of research, educational and practical work, as well as training personnel in the field of chemical sciences.
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