Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


10.04.2014 00:00
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Vital researches carried out in the direction of development of the biology and bioinformatics

Vital researches carried out in the direction of development of the biology and bioinformatics

Conducting important research in the field of computer analysis, eukaryotic genomes, expression, and evolution, the scientists of the Institute of Botany have obtained bioinformatik analysis means. Fulfillments were carried out by the head of the department of fundamental problems of the biological productivity of the institute, Jalal Aliyev, and chief of the Laboratory of Bioinformatics, Biology Doctor of Ilham Shahmuradov.

During researches a number of important fundamental and practical important results were obtained. Researches have been realized with financial support Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic and several foreign scienitific funds. Studies were attended by scholars of leading scientific centers of the U.S., United Kingdom, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

Delivering a lecture on “Integrative biology and bioinformatics” I. Sahmuradov briefed on the results obtained in a meeting of the Presidium.

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