Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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02.03.2018 15:25
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ANAS held meeting with prominent figures of culture and literature of Moldova

ANAS held meeting with prominent figures of culture and literature of Moldova

ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi met with prominent figures of culture and literature of Moldova on March 2.

Opening the event Vice-president of ANAS, director of the Institute of Literature, academician Isa Habibbeyli greeted the guests staying in our country within the framework of the Days of Literature of Moldova. Noting the importance of implementing such a project, the scientist expressed confidence that this step will give impetus to the successful development of scientific and cultural ties between our countries.

Vice-president of ANAS noted a number of similarities in the history and culture of the peoples of Azerbaijan and Moldova. The scientist has brought to the attention that with the purpose of realizing innovative projects in the relevant field it is expedient to conclude contracts, exchange personnel and experience between the scientific institutions of the two countries.

Academician I.Habibbeyli informed the guests about the history, the main directions of the institute's activity, researchers conducted here, and working of prominent scientists. It was reported that this year will mark the 85th anniversary of the Institute of Literature. He noted that the Institute conducts research aimed at studying the literature of many foreign countries, including the literature of Moldova.

Speaking about the existing cooperation in the field of literature, I.Habibbayli noted that a number of works by Azerbaijani writers were published in Moldovan, and vice versa, the works of Moldovan writers were published in the Azerbaijani language.

Then, Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to Azerbaijan George Leuca spoke. Speaking about the long-standing friendly relations between his country and Azerbaijan, the ambassador noted that today's meeting will provide an opportunity to continue the development of cooperation between the two countries in various fields.

Having put in the forefront value of the Days of the literature of Moldova to the forefront, J.Leuka said that it is planned to prepare a special issue of the magazine "World Literature" devoted to the literature of Moldova, to hold discussions and to present a collection of poems by Arkady Suchevyan "Letter sent by a seagull", books by Igor Volnitsky "Teach me to die", organization of an evening of Moldovan poetry. He also added that, there will be a presentation of books on Azerbaijani literature that were published in Chisinau, Moldova in the city of.

Then, cabinet secretary of the Minister of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova Georg Posticke, chairman of the Writers' Union of Moldova Arkady Suchevyan and others stressed the importance of the Literature Days of Moldova in terms of developing literary and cultural ties between the two countries and expressed interest in joint cooperation.

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