Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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05.03.2018 13:41
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ANAS held 120th anniversary of academician Feyzulla Gasimzadeh

ANAS held 120th anniversary of academician Feyzulla Gasimzadeh

Today, ANAS Institute of Literature Nizami Ganjavi held a scientific conference dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the prominent literary critic, Honored Scientist, academician Feizulla Gasimzadeh.

At first, participants got acquainted with the exhibition of the works of the literary critic.

At the event, ANAS Vice-president, director of the Institute of Literature, academician Isa Habibbayli noted that, F.Hasimzadeh was directly involved in the formation and development of Azerbaijani literary criticism, as a result of his research a number of literary and historical facts were systematized. He added that the scientist, who possessed encyclopedic knowledge, directed the main literary and scientific interests to the study of the Azerbaijani literature of the XIX century on the basis of sources, manuscripts, periodicals and archival materials.

Academician I.Habibbeyli brought to the attention that, having accumulated accurate information about M.F.Akhundzadeh, A.Bakikhanov, N.B.Vazirov, S.A.Shirvani, I.Gutgashinli, M.Sh.Vazeh and others, scientist created such unique works as "The Creative Way of M.F.Akhundov", "N.B.Vezirov", "Abbasgulu Aga Bakikhanov Gudsi", "Historical Essays of Azerbaijani Literature of the XIX Century". He noted that, F.Gazimzadeh uncovered the unexplored work of the authors of the elegy of the XIX century Raji, Gumri, Mukbil and others.

Vice-president of ANAS noted that, as a result of long-term scientific researches of a prominent researcher he wrote a textbook "The history of Azerbaijani literature of the XIX century", which is used today in the educational process in universities. Speaking about the exceptional merits of a prominent scientist in the education of a generation of great literary scholars, I.Habibbeyli said that, he had prepared 30 doctors of sciences and 120 PhDs.

Director of the National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature, Academician Rafael Huseynov noted that the great literary critic also possessed high human qualities and a rich inner world. He also noted that F. Hasimzade was engaged in literary criticism, in his works conducted an objective analysis of Azerbaijani literature. He noted that, working on the manuscripts of the XIX century F.Gasimzadeh on the basis of information received from people who spoke with representatives of Azerbaijani literature, he created works far from ideology.

R.Huseynov noted that, today studies are being conducted aimed at studying the works of F.Gazimzadeh and his books are being reprinted.

Dean of the philological faculty of the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Professor Buludkhan Khalilov, correspondent member of ANAS Tahsin Mutallimov, employee of the department of history of Azerbaijani literature of Baku State University, Professor Yeghiana Ismailova and others told about the merits of F.Gasimzadeh in the development of the history of Azerbaijani literature.

At the event, also were listening reports by head of the Department of the Institute of Literature, Professor Zaman Askerli on "Life and work of academician Feyzulla Gasimzadeh", head of the Department of the Institute, Professor Tahira Mammad on "Merits of academician Feizulla Gasimzadeh in the educational and organizational sphere", senior researcher, Mahamadali Mustafayev on "Literary views of academician Feyzulla Gasimzadeh", head of the department of the |Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, professor Himalay Gasymov on "Academician Feyzulla Gasimzade and his contemporaries".

In conclusion, daughter of the late academician, a teacher of the Department of Teaching and Methods of Literature of the ASPU, Ph.D. in Philology Nigar Gasimzadeh expressed gratitude to the organizers and participants of the event on behalf of their families for the respect shown to the memory of her father.

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