Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


18.04.2018 11:46
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"Role of chemistry in sustainable development" seminar held

"Role of chemistry in sustainable development" seminar held

Azerbaijan-Italy international scientific seminar on "Role of chemistry in sustainable development" was held at ANAS Central Scientific Library.

The event was held by the organizational support of the Office of International Relations of the Presidium of ANAS, the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry and the Italian Embassy in Azerbaijan.

Opening the seminar, Vice-President of the academy, director of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry, academician Dilgam Tagiev noted that, this event is of great importance in terms of strengthening ties in the field of chemistry between relevant scientific institutions of ANAS and Italy. He brought to the attention that the seminar was held on a landmark day, and now the whole world celebrates the Day of Italian Studies.

D.Tagiev noted that, today the two countries have close ties of cooperation in political, economic, scientific, cultural and other spheres, and in 2017 the trade turnover between Azerbaijan and Italy has been increased to 4 billion euros.

The scientist also recalled that, the singer Bulbul was awarded one of the highest orders of Italy - the "Star of Garibaldi". Muslim Magomayev, Shovkat Alekperova and other prominent artists have always been given great attention in this country.

Academician stressed that in recent years scientific contacts have been strengthened between the two countries, cooperation agreements have been signed between ANAS and the National Council for Research of Italy and joint research programs have been announced.

Then, speaking, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Italy to Azerbaijan Augusto Massari stressed the importance of developing relations between the scientific centers of both countries in various fields, in particular, in the field of chemistry.

A.Massari brought to the notice that today the process of "brain drain" continues to accelerate in the world, but in Italy the development of this process is relatively suspended. He also noted that the concept of "brain drain" is not a negative phenomenon, for example, after leaving his country the famous Italian traveler Christopher Columbus has opened many places, including America.

The ambassador noted that new proposals on conducting joint research works between scientific institutions of ANAS and Italy in five directions were put forward in the Office of International Relations of the Presidium's Office.

Then, deputy director for scientific work of the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry, Corresponding Member of ANAS Mahammad Babanli made a presentation on the topic "Chemical aspects of the design of materials of a topological insulator". M.Babanli noted that, in Azerbaijan system studies in the field of materials of topological insulators have been carried out since 2011. He brought to the attention that during this time, extensive international contacts were established with leading scientific centers engaged in theoretical and practical research of topological isolators of the European Union and Japan. M.Babanli informed that, at present a number of scientific researches are carried out with a number of scientific researches in Italy, the results of which are published in the impact factor journals included in the "Web of Science" platform.

At the seminar, the head of the laboratory of the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Nizami Zeynalov made a report "Polymer nanogels - as carriers in the immobilization of drugs". Professor noted that in recent years the synthesis of nano-gels and the possession of medicinal products the possibility of prolonged exposure with their participation are in the center of attention of researchers. The scientist noted that the use of polymers in this area will play an important role in bringing the drugs to the relevant bodies.

During the event, reports were also given by Vice-President for innovation strategy of the company "Kinetics Technology" Italy Gaetano Jaguaniyello "What is the role of chemistry and chemical engineering in ensuring the sustainability of development and progress?" And professor of the University of Rome Tor Vergata Massimiliano Barletta "Improvement of bioplastic materials and their processing ".

The seminar also talked about the prospects for international cooperation with the world's leading scientific organizations, as well as opportunities for developing relationships and creating new cooperation mechanisms.

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